Monday, March 15, 2010

Changes and You

Pay attention-you will like what you see, maybe even gain some wisdom

There’s a new crew of Lifestyle Balance participants who started the program in the last few weeks. WELCOME! I hope you enjoy the program and start noticing the positive changes in your life, both physical and psychological (emotional, spiritual-whatever you wish to call it).

Here are some things I want to share with you:

Is walking your choice of physical activity? It is mine. Another benefit of walking is this: it’s
a great stress reliever. It helps clear my head and allows me to come up with ideas for work, for home life, even what to fix for dinner. Why sometimes, I just get downright creative. If you have a dog(s), take them with you for that walk. They always appreciate getting out. They are good company; they are a great way to meet people and make new friends or just socialize. Make it a family event, or maybe you need your “alone time” and prefer to go on your own. Change your route, different scenery is always fun and it gives you a different perspective. Ever notice how things look different on the return trip?

I ride my exercise bike at home and also found the benefits of riding to be same as walking-it clears my head, except when I am peddling and reading, and honestly, even then, I get some brilliant brainstorms to the point where I get off the bike, call myself at work and leave myself a message to follow through on what I was cogitating!

Coveted sleep. Yes, a good workout will help you sleep better. Don’t workout just before bedtime or you will be too energized.

With all this free flowing brainpower, I decided to do some investigating and found a study that looked at the effects of exercise on creativity. There is much more research that needs to be done, but overall, the researchers did find that creativity was enhanced by aerobic exercise.

It takes 3 weeks to change a habit, be patient. Once you start making these little changes it is pretty exciting to see how the new practice becomes part of your daily routine, without even thinking about it.

Portion control, wise food choices start becoming very automatic. I found eating ice cream at night was just a really bad idea for me. I started buying small cartons of low-fat yogurt - it’s healthier, doesn’t make me feel poorly like the ice cream and it satisfies the need for something cold and creamy and sweet, is pre-measured and is so much better for me and I enjoy it, guilt-free. I resented that I didn’t feel good from eating something that is a “happy food”, but, as I like to say, “I am a better person for it”. Confidential to you, I say the same thing when I really don’t feel like riding my exercise bike or using my Bow Flex and I force myself. And, truly, I do feel better when I am done.

I was at a “Lunch ‘n’ Learn” presentation a while back. The speaker was explaining what happens to your body when you eat too much of the simple carbohydrates, or foods high on the “Glycemic Index” , the bad carbs, and how it makes you crave more food because your blood sugar spikes. Once I knew this, I really started paying attention if I ate too much pasta, I just love pasta. He was right. I made a concerted effort to not keep eating because I understood what was happening. I also cut back on my pasta portions. It was actually fun as an inside observer to take a step and go, “oh yeah”, I know why I feel this way.

As the weeks go by, start noticing the small changes in your habits, reaching for an apple instead of cookies, or some baby carrots instead of chips with your lunch. Rationing the number of chips you do eat. Are you taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator? Parking your car a little further so you have to walk a little more? Striving for walking 10,000 steps a day? If you are wearing a pedometer is that simple gizmo holding you accountable to walking more? How does it make you feel, mentally and physically?

I encourage you to pay attention to what is going on in your head as well as the physical well being you are experiencing from activity and diet modification. Take notice if you are feeling more inspired in your life outside of Lifestyle Balance. Are you taking more pride in your appearance? Holding your head a little higher, smiling more? Enjoying life more?

Once you start losing weight and improving your nutrition, I bet you start seeing life differently, too. Pay attention to your journal, it’s a great way to monitor your thoughts and feelings and progress. Are you laughing more? Have more energy? Watch for these signs, it’s like seeing the first robin of spring or the first red tulip sticking up from the snow.

If you would like to be a guest blogger or do you have a healthy recipe you would like to share? Please contact me: Diane Arave, or 406-444-0593, or leave a comment in the comment section of this blog space.

TRIVIA: March 15 is the “Ides of March”, the day Julius Caesar was killed in Rome, 44 BC.

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