Monday, November 30, 2009

Grocery Shopping for a Healthier You

Before you leave to go shopping…
· Make a list at home and stick to it. This keeps you from buying impulse items.
· I keep a running list before I go shopping, this way I am writing things down as I think of them or run out of them, instead of trying to remember it all on Saturday morning after working all week.
· Plan your meals ahead of time.
· Don’t shop on an empty stomach. Go after you have eaten a good meal.
· Try to shop when you are in a calm, stable mood. Hunger and stress will make you yield to temptation.
· Going after work? Bring a small snack – something that will give you energy and make you feel full – a handful of nuts, a hardboiled egg, and a cheese stick. Bring a bottle of water.
· Dress in an outfit that makes you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself you will be in the mindset of making healthy choices and good food decisions.
· Are you a coupon clipper? Clip coupons for healthy items. Leave the rest.

Try to shopping without the kids. Ha ha you say, won’t happen
· Exercise your parental authority, say no to their unhealthy choices.
· Let the kids take an active role in shopping. Take them to the fruit and vegetable section and allow them to pick out anything they want. There is an array of colors, shapes and sizes that can make this a positive experience for all.

Did you know?
· Food manufacturers pay supermarkets big money for placing certain products on certain shelves? It is no coincidence that sugary cereals are at kid’s eye level and the healthier cereals are on top or bottom shelves.
· That wonderful cinnamon smell wafting from the bakery lures you to buying baked goods? Hold your nose and keep walking.
· If you can't find the fresh produce you need, or you need to store your fruits and vegetables for a longer time, choose frozen fruits and vegetables rather than canned foods which are usually high in sodium.
· Shop the perimeter of the store. For the most part, the foods around the edge of the store are the healthiest foods. These are things like vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and dairy products. These foods are rich in nutrients, don’t contain lots of preservatives and have not been refined. You will get the most nutritional value for your money.
· You can ask the supermarket manager when the fresh produce, fish, meats get delivered and try to arrange your shopping around selecting the freshest items. The water misting of fruits and vegetables makes things look pretty but they get mushy faster.
· By resisting foods at the grocery store you have to resist it once, buy it, take it home, you are resisting it hourly. Keep it out of the house, if you must have that treat, buy the small size.

Once you are ready to go to the checkout counter, beware the “impulse” items, those strategically placed candy bars staring you in the face while you are waiting in line. Pick up a magazine instead! Drive your kids crazy by talking to the stranger in line behind you. You have made it this far through your shopping trip, be strong, you will feel better about yourself.

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